


Original Article

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2019; 24(1): 1-10

Published online June 30, 2019 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjhaicp.2019.24.1.1

Copyright © Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention

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A Survey on the Scabies Outbreak and Infection Control

Sin Jeong Kim1,2, Jae Sim Jeong1, Eun Suk Park2, Sang Ho Choi3

Department of Clinical Nursing, Graduate School of Industry, University of Ulsan1, Seoul, Department of Infection Control, Severance Hospital2, Seoul, Department of Infection Disease, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center3, Seoul, Korea

Received: May 5, 2018; Revised: October 1, 2018; Accepted: January 15, 2019

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Background: Scabies is a skin disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis and is transmitted through skin contact. In Korea, its prevalence has decreased since 1990 to approximately <1%. However, recently, the number of patients with scabies has been increasing.Methods: In this study, 70 hospitals with ≥100 beds and an infection control department were selected by convenient sampling. This study was a cross-sectional survey using a retrospective self-report questionnaire. We surveyed the yearly frequency of scabies infections at the selected hospitals from January 1, 2009, to April 30, 2014. The characteristics and infection controls of cases in the latest outbreaks were documented.Results: The mean number of beds was 607.8. Of the surveyed hospitals, 44% performed screening for scabies on admission. There were 43 (86.0%) hospitals in which an occurrence of scabies (outpatients, inpatients, staff) was reported at the infection control department during the sampling period, and the yearly percentage increased steadily. Thirty hospitals (60.0%) experienced a scabies outbreak, and the mean age of patients during the scabies outbreak was 70.2 years. Accordingly, 66.7% of the patients were admitted through long-term care facilities. Among the patients with scabies, 47.0% had pruritus on admission, and the mean period until the diagnosis of scabies was 27.3 (1-150) days. At the outbreak of scabies, 64.5% of patients were isolated to a single room. In addition, gowns (83.9%) and gloves (90.3%) were implemented, and used linens were placed in a plastic bag and the bag was sealed airtight, labeled, and disposed separately (86.6%). In 67.7% of the patients, environmental disinfection was conducted in the same way as that for other (non-outbreak) patients’ rooms.Conclusion: It is necessary for each hospital to prepare a scabies screening system that is fit to be used on patients at their admission in order to control the outbreak of scabies. In the future, additional surveys will need to be conducted to identify control measures for scabies infection in long-term care facilities.

Keywords: Attack rate, Infection control, Outbreak, Scabies

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