Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2016; 21(1): 9-17
Published online June 30, 2016 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjnic.2016.21.1.9
Copyright © Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention
EunGyeong Kim1, Ihnsook Jeong1, Shakuntala Thanju2
College of Nursing, Pusan National University1, Yangsan, Korea, Tansen Nursing School2, Palpa, Nepal
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Healthcare-associated infection (HAI) affects the morbidity and mortality of inpatients worldwide. Nepal is a developing country in which HAIs pose a major problem in terms of patient safety. Therefore, this study was designed to assess the level of knowledge and attitude toward HAIs and compliance for infection control among nurses.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire including general characteristics, and knowledge of, attitude toward, and compliance with HAI control practices, on a sample of 259 nurses from 11 hospitals in 3 cities in Nepal, from July 17 to August 5, 2014.Results: The average score on knowledge of HAI was 6.56, on a 13-point scale. In total, 59 nurses had undergone HAI control training and 211 nurses reported that they were governed by some guidelines, but there were no significant differences. The overall level of compliance with HAI control guidelines was 79.2 points based on a 100-point scale, which did not differ in terms of age, exposure to infection control training, and the presence of any guidelines. Conclusion: The level of knowledge of HAI control among nurses was very low and a majority had never undergone any HAI control training. Evidently, there is an urgent need to provide HAI control training to nurses, and to develop infrastructure to provide training for them.
Keywords: Attitude, Compliance, Healthcare-associated infection, Knowledge, Nepalese nurses
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