


Original Article

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2022; 27(1): 59-68

Published online June 30, 2022 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2022.27.1.59

Copyright © Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention

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Effect of On-site Consultation and Education on Infection Control in Nursing Homes in Korea

Jong Rim Choi1 , Kyeong-Sook Cha2, Ji Youn Choi3, Si Hyeon Han4

College of Nursing, Keimyung University1, Daegu, Department of Nursing Science, Sun Moon University2, Asan, Infection Control Team, Chung-Ang University Hospital3, Seoul, Infection Control Team, Dankook University Hospital4, Cheonan, Korea

Correspondence to: Jong Rim Choi
E-mail: jr.choi@kmu.ac.kr
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4326-2273

Received: May 28, 2022; Revised: June 7, 2022; Accepted: June 9, 2022

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0).


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of on-site consultation and education by infection control nurses for infection prevention and control (IPAC) improvement in nursing homes.
Methods: Using a one-group, pretest-posttest design, this study was conducted in 47 nursing homes over 4 months. The program was introduced after evaluating educational needs following two times on-site visiting; monitoring of IPAC level, 2 h consultations on IPAC by infection control nurses, and 4 h face-to-face education based on the educational needs and firstvisit assessment. IPAC awareness and satisfaction with the on-site consultation and education program were evaluated before and after the program using structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the chi-square test, t-test, Fisher’s exact test, and paired t-test with SPSS Win 27 program.
Results: After introducing on-site consultation and education, significant improvement in the IPAC system level (83.5% vs. 88.2%, P<.001), awareness (4.54±0.32 vs. 4.78±0.43, P<.001), and performance (4.19±0.92 vs. 4.80±0.63, P<.001) of IPAC were noted. The level of satisfaction with the infection control due to on-site consultation and education was high (9.34±1.39).
Conclusion: This finding suggests that the on-site problem-solving education and consultation of the IPAC program had a significant impact on the level of IPAC system, awareness, and performance of IPAC in nursing homes. IPAC visiting education should be expanded to nursing homes.

Keywords: Nursing home, Aged care facilitiy, Infection control, On-site consultation

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