대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Changes in infection control organization of participating hospitals (N=113)

Variables Categories N (%) M±SD
Percentage of COVID-19 workloads in the infection control department at the time of survey <20% 2 (1.8)
20%-39% 2 (1.8)
40%-59% 26 (23.0)
60%-79% 41 (36.2)
≥80% 42 (37.2)
Any change in the work arrangement of infection control nurses Yes 104 (92.0)
No 9 (8.0)
Changes to the work arrangement (multiple responses) Shift work 10 (9.6)
Duty work 42 (40.4)
On-call 67 (64.4)
Overtime 90 (86.4)
Increase staff and/or temporarily assigned staff Yes 39 (34.5)
No 74 (65.5)
Position types of increased staff (n=39, multiple responses) Nursing 23 (59.0) 1.13±0.34
Administrative 5 (12.8) 1.00±0.00
Other 6 (15.4) 1.00±0.00
None 5 (12.8)
Position types of temporarily assigned staff (n=39, multiple responses) Nursing 16 (41.0) 1.25±0.77
Administrative 5 (12.8) 1.00±0.00
Other 9 (23.1) 1.22±0.66
None 9 (23.1)
New IT system development Yes 51 (45.1)
No 62 (54.9)
Types of programs developed (n=51, multiple responses) COVID-19 outbreak investigation program 11 (21.6)
COVID-19 case information 17 (33.3)
COVID-19 automatic reporting system 25 (49.0)
Other 28 (54.9)
Any change in facilities and equipment Yes 105 (92.9)
No 8 (7.1)
Changes made to facilities and equipment (n=105, multiple responses) Increase in the number of negative pressure rooms 50 (47.6)
Securing testing space 84 (80.0)
Securing negative pressure treatment areas 66 (62.9)
Securing CCTV for efficient epidemiological investigations 50 (47.6)
Securing negative pressure transport devices 57 (54.3)
Any change in the response system compared to MERS Yes 112 (99.1)
No 1 (0.9)
Changes made (n=112, multiple responses) Strengthened infectious disease reporting and surveillance system 76 (67.9)
Enhanced epidemiological investigation for exposed individuals 83 (74.1)
Strengthened access control screening, such as visitor restrictions 107 (95.5)
Strengthened disinfection and quarantine measures 82 (73.2)
Established rapid response systems 75 (67.0)
Securing (negative pressure) treatment beds 51 (45.5)
Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2024;29:116~127 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2024.29.2.116
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev