대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Characteristics of participating hospitals (N=113)

Characteristics Categories N (%) M±SD
Type of hospitals Tertiary 17 (15.0)
General 96 (85.0)
Number of beds 100-299 50 (44.2)
300-499 22 (19.5)
500-999 35 (31.0)
1,000-1,499 4 (3.5)
≥1,500 2 (1.8)
Location Seoul 17 (15.1)
Gyeonggi 31 (27.4)
Gangwon 4 (3.5)
Chungcheong 10 (8.8)
Jeolla 21 (18.6)
Gyeongsang 29 (25.7)
Jeju 1 (0.9)
Government-designated inpatient treatment beds Yes 25 (22.1)
No 88 (77.9)
Dedicated COVID-19 treatment beds Yes 40 (35.4)
No 73 (64.6)
Emergency room beds (n=40) Yes 10 (25.0) 3.00±2.73
No 30 (75.0)
Intensive care unit beds (n=40) Yes 33 (82.5) 9.58±6.36
No 7 (17.5)
COVID-19 screening clinic Yes 98 (86.7)
No 15 (13.3)
COVID-19 respiratory care clinic Yes 77 (68.1)
No 36 (31.9)
COVID-19 outbreak within hospitals Yes 46 (40.7) 2.83±3.16
No 67 (59.3)
Target of COVID-19 outbreak (n=46, multiple responses) Patients 25 (55.6)
Employee 38 (84.4)
Guardians or caregivers 14 (31.1)
Others* 5 (11.1)

*Students, volunteers, employees of partner companies, etc.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2024;29:116~127 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2024.29.2.116
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev