대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

General characteristics of participants (N=113)

Characteristics Categories N (%) M±SD
Gender Female 113 (100.0)
Age (yrs) 20-29 5 (4.4) 43.28±7.29
30-39 27 (23.9)
40-49 54 (47.8)
50-59 27 (23.9)
Education Associate 8 (7.1)
Bachelor 32 (28.3)
Master 64 (56.6)
Doctor 9 (8.0)
Position General nurse 26 (23.1)
Senior nurse 20 (17.7)
Part leader 30 (26.5)
Team leader 37 (32.7)
Total clinical experience (yrs) 1-4 1 (0.9) 19.30±7.49
5-9 17 (15.1)
10-14 8 (7.1)
15-19 25 (22.1)
20-24 31 (27.4)
≥25 31 (27.4)
Total experience in infection control (yrs) <1 11 (9.8) 5.43±4.01
1-4 51 (45.1)
5-9 35 (31.0)
10-14 11 (9.7)
15-19 4 (3.5)
≥20 1 (0.9)
Employment type Permanent 112 (99.1)
Temporary 1 (0.9)
Work arrangement Full time 110 (97.3)
Part time 3 (2.7)
Infection control nurse qualification (multiple responses) Yes 31 (27.4)
No 82 (72.6)
Infection control practitioner* Yes 20 (64.5)
Infection control advanced practice nurse Yes 16 (51.6)
Both Yes 5 (16.1)

*Korean Association of Infection Control Nurses qualification.

Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare certification.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2024;29:116~127 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2024.29.2.116
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev