대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

External validation method of the Korean Healthcare-associated Infections Surveillance System (KONIS) intensive care unit (ICU) module

Survey year Target HAI of ICU Number of surveyed patients Target period Selection of hospitals or ICUs Selection of patients Investigators Survey method
2008 UTI, BSI, PNEU 307 January 2008-March 2008 Hospitals were divided into 6 groups based on HAI rate percentiles: <10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-90, and >90. One hospital was then randomly selected from each group, total 6 hospitals All reported HAIs and randomly selected non-HAI ICU patients
In hospitals ≤10 HAIs: non-HAI patients were selected at a ratio of 1:4
In hospitals >10 HAIs: non-HAI patients were selected at a ratio of 1:2
A 2-member validation team visited each hospital for 1 day and conducted a retrospective chart review Discrepant cases were discussed by the KONIS Steering Committee.
2010 UTI, BSI, PNEU 321 July 2009-September 2009 The same as above The same as above A 2-member validation team visited each hospital for 1 day and conducted a retrospective chart review Discrepant cases were discussed by the KONIS Steering Committee.
2012 PNEU 55 January 2012-March 2012 Selection of 5 hospitals randomly based on the PNEU rate All reported 11 PNEU patients and non-PNEU ICU patients randomly selected at a 1:4 ratio. A 2-member validation team visited each hospital for 1 day and conducted a retrospective chart review Discrepant cases were discussed by the KONIS Steering Committee.
2014 UTI, BSI, PNEU 406 January 2014-March 2014 Hospitals were divided into 6 groups based on HAI rate percentiles: <10, 10-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-90, and >90. Then, two hospitals were randomly selected from each group, resulting in a total of 12 hospitals All reported HAI patients were included in the review. For each hospital, a number of non-HAI patients, two-fold (for the hospitals that reported ≥10 HAI patients) or four-fold (for the hospitals that reported <10 HAI patients) that of HAI patients, were selected at random. A trained one- to three-member validation team visited each hospital for one day and conducted a retrospective chart review Discrepant cases were discussed by the KONIS Steering Committee.
The participating hospitals were notified of the results of the validation survey
2017 UTI, BSI, PNEU 282 July 2016
- September 2016
Hospitals were divided into five groups based on the HAI rate percentiles: 0, 0-25, 25-50, 50-75, 75-100. Hospitals within each percentile group were then stratified into new participating hospitals and existing participating hospitals. After this stratification, a total of 10 hospitals were randomly selected, with one from each of the 10 groups. All HAI patients were included in the review. The control patients without HAI was selected randomly from all patients aged ≥15 years in the participating of each hospital who had positive blood or urine cultures during the validation period. Hospitalized for < 3 days were excluded. A 2-member validation team visited each hospital for 1 day and conducted a retrospective chart review The validation team provided the survey results to the staff in charge at each hospital and confirmed the final diagnosis after a post-review discussion. Cases in which it was difficult for the investigators to determine whether HAI had occurred were discussed by the KONIS Steering Committee.

Abbreviations: HAI, healthcare-associated infection; UTI, urinary tract infection; BSI, bloodstream infection; PNEU, pneumonia.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2023;28:192~202 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2023.28.2.192
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev