Epidemiological investigations of nosocomial legionellosis
No. case | Sex/age | Underlying illness | Latest hospital admission | Location of admission | Date of diagnosis | Diagnostic examination | Clinical manifestation | Prognosis |
1 |
F/70 | Peripheral T-cell lymphoma | 19.07.07-09 | Building 2 | 19.07.12 | Urinary legionella antigen | Legionnaire’s disease | resolved |
2 | M/61 | Multiple myeloma | 19.06.26 | Building 2 | 19.08.06 | Urinary legionella antigen | Legionnaire’s disease | resolved |
3 |
M/58 | SCLC | 19.08.24-30 | Building 2 | 19.09.08 | Urinary legionella antigen | Legionnaire’s disease | death |
*Cases defined as ‘nosocomial legionellosis’ according to Guidelines for the management of legionellosis 2019 by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (https://www.kdca.go.kr/filepath/boardDownload.es?bid=0019&list_no=364566&seq=1).