대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

The characteristics of studies included in this systematic review

Ref No. Study No. of subjects Study design Country Study year Study population CLABSI prevention Incidence/1000 catheter-days
[4] Al-Mousa et al. 671 Prospective cohort Kuwait 2013-2015 Neonatal patients None 15.3
[5] Almeida et al.* 1194 Retrospective Portugal 2007-2010 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 14.1
[6] Arnts et al.* 45 Prospective observational Netherland 2009-2010 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 12.9
[7] Bannatyne et al.* 406 Retrospective cohort Australia 2011-2013 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 8.8
[8] Bierlaire et al.* 140 Prospective Belgium 2019 Neonates Preventive bundle 8.4
[9] Blanchard et al. Retrospective cohort Canada 2007-2011 Neonatal patients None 4
[10] Bolat et al. 569 Prospective, cohort Turkey 2009-2011 Neonatal patients None 3.64
[11] Boutaric et al.* 111 Prospective France 2004-2006 Premature infants Preventive protocol 16
[12] Bunni et al.* 311 Retrospective UK 2009 Neonates Preventive bundle 22.4
[13] Cabrera et al. 167 Prospective Peru 2017-2018 Neonates None 8
[14] Callejas et al. 689 Retrospective Canada 2010-2013 Neonates None 5.6
[15] Chandonnet et al.* Prospective USA 2011 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 2.6
[16] Cheng et al. 123 Retrospective cohort China 2011-2012 Neonates None 4.99
[17] Cheong et al. 39 Retrospective Japan 2013 VLBW infants None 3.57
[18] Cleves et al. 1246 Retrospective, quasi-experimental USA 2012-2014 Neonates Chlorhexidine baths 8.64
[19] Dumpa et al.* 68 Retrospective review USA 2009-2010 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 4.4
[20] Erdei et al.* Prospective USA 2009 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 4.1
[21] Ereno et al. 107 Retrospective Singapore Neonatal patients None 5.9
[22] Flidel-Rimon et al.* 141 Prospective Israel 2011-2012 Infants Preventive bundle 15.2
[23] Fontela et al. Retrospective dynamic cohort Australia 2003-2009 Neonatal patients None 4.4
[24] Freeman et al.* 285 Retrospective USA 2005-2012 Neonatal patients Prevention protocol 1.69
[25] Freitas et al. 1560 Prospective cohort Brazil 2014-2016 Neonates None 18.6
[26] Gadallah et al. 434 Prospective cohort Egypt 2012 Neonates None 158.3
[27] Gerver et al. Retrospective UK 2016-2017 Neonates None 1.5
[28] Greenhalgh et al. 176 Retrospective cohort Australia 2012 Neonates None 11.5
[29] Hei et al. 131 Prospective China 2008-2011 Neonatal patients None 13.7
[30] Helder et al.* 537 Prospective, observational Netherland 2014-2016 Infants Antiseptic protocol 3.1
[31] Hocevar et al. Retrospective USA 2006-2008 Neonates None 3.9
[32] Holzmann-Pazgal et al.* Retrospective USA 2006-2008 Neonates Line team 11.6
[33] Hussain et al. 301 Prospective Pakistan 2016 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 17.1
[34] Hussain et al. 2046 Retrospective Pakistan 2011-2015 Neonatal patients None 8.9
[35] Jansen et al. 180 Retrospective cohort Netherland 2015-2019 Preterm neonates None 14
[36] Jansen et al. 891 Retrospective cohort Netherland 2012-2020 Preterm neonates None 13.4
[37] Jeong et al.* 326 Retrospective Korea 2011-2013 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 6.6
[38] Kim et al. Retrospective review Korea 2016-2020 Infants None 2.85
[39] Kinoshita et al. 2383 Prospective observational Japan 2014-2017 VLBW infants None 2.1
[40] Kleinlugtenbeld et al.* 75 Prospective Netherland 2007 Premature newborn Preventive bundle 20.1
[41] Kourkouni et al. Prospective Greece Neonatal patients None 6.58
[42] Kulali et al.* 70 Prospective cohort Turkey 2016-2017 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 12.4
[43] Leblebicioglu et al. 3430 Prospective Turkey 2003-2012 Neonatal patients None 21
[44] Leistner et al. 5586 Prospective cohort Germany 2008-2009 VLBW infants None 8.3
[45] Leveillee et al. 1577 Retrospective cohort Canada 2011-2016 Neonates None 8.4
[46] Milstone et al. 3967 Retrospective cohort USA 2005-2010 Neonates None 1.66
[47] Mohamed Cassim et al.* 350 UK 2010-2011 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 4.3
[48] Nercelles et al. 4704 Prospective Chile 2005-2011 Newborn infants None 0.9
[49] Nielsen et al. 382 Retrospective Denmark 2019-2020 Neonatal patients None 13.41
[50] Oh et al. 429 Retrospective Korea 2017 Infants Preventive bundle 1.89
[51] Patrick et al.* Prospective cohort USA 2007-2012 Neonatal patients None 2.1
[52] Pavcnik-Arnol et al. Prospective cohort Slovenia 2011-2012 Neonatal patients None 5.5
[53] Pharande et al.* 13731 Prospective Australia 2002-2016 Newborn infants Preventive bundle 12.04
[54] Piazza et al. Retrospective USA 2011 Neonatal patients None 1.333
[55] Ponnusamy et al. 189 Prospective observational UK 2009-2010 Infants None 16.9
[56] Rallis et al.* 94 Prospective Greece 2012 Neonates Preventive bundle 12
[57] Resende et al.* 551 Prospective Brazil 2010-2011 Infants Preventive bundle 23
[58] Rosenthal et al.* 2009 Prospective surveillance El Salvador, Mexico, Philippines, Tunisia 2003 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 21.4
[59] Salm et al.* 3028 Prospective cohort Germany 2007-2009 VLBW infants Preventive bundle 13.47
[60] Sanderson et al. 4248 Prospective Australia 2007-2009 Infants None 10.6
[61] Shalabi et al. 540 Retrospective matched cohort Canada 2010-2013 Infants None 8.5
[62] Shepherd et al.* USA 2003-2006 Infants Preventive bundle 6
[63] Sinha et al.* 152 Retrospective UK 2007 Preterm neonates Preventive bundle 26.5
[64] Soares et al. 251 Retrospective cohort Portugal 2014-2016 Neonatal patients None 12.4
[65] Steiner et al.* 526 Prospective Germany 2010-2012 VLBW infants Preventive bundle 8.96
[66] Taylor et al. 83 Retrospective, quasi-experimental Australia 2013-2017 Infants None 13.8
[67] Ting et al.* Retrospective observational Canada 2007-2008 Neonates Preventive bundle 7.9
[68] Wen et al. 301 Prospective China 2010-2014 Premature infants None 1.9
[69] Wilder et al.* USA 2011 Neonatal patients Preventive bundle 3.9
[70] Worth et al. Prospective Australia 2008-2016 Neonatal patients None 2.2
[71] Yalaz et al. 1200 Prospective Turkey 2008-2010 Newborn infants None 4.1
[72] Yumani et al. 369 Retrospective Netherland 2007 Neonatal patients None 18.1
[73] Zachariah et al. Cross-sectional USA 2011 Neonatal patients None 1.52
[74] Zhou et al. 29 Prospective China 2008-2010 Newborns Preventive bundle 16.7

*Estimated only pre-intervention period CLABSI rate.

Abbreviation: VLBW, very low birth weight.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2023;28:113~125 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2023.28.1.113
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev