대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

CPE tests in the clinical microbiology laboratory

Category Method Explanation Strengths* & limitations Time required
Phenotypic MHT Measuring carbapenem disk activity in the presence or absence of carbapenemase ○ No need for a special reagent and medium
● Requires overnight incubation
● Difficult to detect certain carbapenemase types
● Decreased objectivity in results interpretation
18-24 h
mCIM with/without eCIM Measuring carbapenem disk activity in the presence or absence of carbapenemase and its inhibitor ○ No need for a special reagent and medium
● Requires additional incubated steps (broth culture with carbapenem disk) and overnight incubation
≥4 h +
18-24 h
Chromogenic agar Incubation in a selective medium supplemented with antibiotics and chromogenics ○ Easy to perform
● Requires overnight incubation
● Relatively low selectivity to detect carbapenemase-producing organisms
18-24 h
Carba NP Using pH color indicators to determine carbapenem hydrolysis ○ Rapid
● Requires special reagents or kits
● Difficult to detect certain carbapenemase types
30 min-2 h
Immunoassay Using antigen-antibody reaction for detecting enzyme carbapenemase ○ Rapid
● Requires special kits
● Detects only the carbapenemase type included in the kit
15 min
Mass spectrometry Detecting carbapenem and/or carbapenem degradation products ○ Rapid
● Requires special equipment
● No established method yet
≥2 h (var)+10 min
Molecular PCR
Detecting nucleic acid (genetic material) encoding carbapenemase ○ High sensitivity
○ Possible to use direct specimens such as rectal swabs
● Requires special technicians, equipment, and kits
● Commercial kit: easy to use, but detects only carbapenemase type included in the kit
1 h-days

*○, Strength. ●, limitation.

Abbreviations: MHT, modified Hodge test; mCIM, modified carbapenem inactivation method; eCIM, EDTA-modified carbapenem inactivation method; var, variable.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2023;28:42~49 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2023.28.1.42
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev