대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Results of water temperature measured from the faucets and showers on selected wards before and after adjustment

Ward Location Survey temperature, ℃ Post adjustment, ℃
Tap (hot/cold) Shower (hot/cold) Tap (hot/cold) Shower (hot/cold)
8E Patient room - 48.5/27.7 - 51.5/24.0
8W Nurse station 46.9/27.2 - 54.8/24.1 -
7E Nurse station 49.3/27.3 - 51.1/23.8 -
Patient room A 56.1/27.1 56.1/27.1 61.1/24.0 57.9/23.4
Patient room B 55.1/27.4 54.9/27.3 62.1/25.6 55.5/23.9
7W Nurse station 47.6/26.3 - 52.9/23.9 -
Patient room C 53.5/25.8 53.8/26.2 55.9/24.2 54.2/23.5
Patient room D 54.0/26.2 54.2/26.2 54.4/24.2 55.8/23.1
12E Nurse station 50.2/26.5 - 56.3/24.4 -
Patient room E 54.5/27.5 54.1/27.2 59.6/24.4 56.1/25.1
Patient room F 55.0/27.4 54.6/27.6 60.7/24.3 58.0/24.1
12W Nurse station 48.5/27.2 - 50.7/24.2 -
Patient room G 54.1/27.6 54.3/27.2 60.4/24.0 57.0/23.3
Patient room H 54.2/27.0 53.8/27.3 60.4/24.0 57.0/23.3
18E Nurse station 51.1/27.3 - 54.8/23.8 -
Patient room I 52.4/27.3 53.1/27.4 56.8/24.3 56.9/24.4
Patient room J 52.2/27.8 53.5/28.2 56.5/24.4 54.5/24.3
18W Nurse station 47.2/27.5 - 53.1/24.2 -
Patient room K 51.9/27.1 51.2/26.7 56.2/24.3 51.4/23.8
Patient room L 51.8/27.0 51.8/27.1 56.4/24.7 54.4/22.3
Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2022;27:134~140 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2022.27.2.134
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev