대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Educational needs and difference of knowledge and importance level on the infection control practice of 174 nursing home care workers

Category Subcategories Importance
t-value Score of
Infectious disease management 1. Fever and respiratory symptoms 9.81±0.61 9.23±1.27 0.58±1.29 5.99** 5.71 5 HH
2. Scabies 9.76±0.80 9.09±1.46 0.67±1.43 6.24** 6.56 3 HH
3. Visitor control 9.53±1.10 9.24±1.32 0.29±1.46 2.67** 2.80 21 LL
4. Personal protective equipment 9.88±0.48 9.67±0.87 0.20±0.93 2.96** 2.07 24 HL
Employee infection control 5. Employee personal hygiene 9.57±0.85 9.42±1.07 0.15±1.05 1.99* 1.96 25 LL
6. Health checkup: Tuberculosis test 9.82±0.56 9.38±1.25 0.43±1.18 4.90** 4.86 10 HL
7. Symptomatic employee management 9.77±0.65 9.43±1.08 0.34±1.02 4.41** 3.89 16 HL
Hand hygiene 8. Importance of hand hygiene 9.84±0.57 9.55±1.02 0.28±0.92 4.14** 3.41 19 HL
9. How to perform hand hygiene 9.71±0.76 9.51±1.10 0.20±1.03 2.62** 2.54 22 HL
Disinfection and sterilization 10. Disposable product 9.52±0.93 9.32±1.16 0.19±1.09 2.41* 2.45 23 LL
11. Disinfectant 9.50±0.97 8.98±1.44 0.51±1.48 4.60** 4.91 9 LH
12. Sterilizer 9.67±0.74 8.81±1.73 0.85±1.67 6.78** 8.29 1 LH
Hygiene 13. Laundary management 9.49±1.04 9.10±1.40 0.20±1.34 2.01** 3.70 17 LL
14. Management of personal items 9.65±0.86 9.29±1.26 0.36±1.19 4.02* 3.49 18 LL
15. Tube feeding 9.73±0.84 9.28±1.38 0.44±1.40 4.22** 4.37 14 HH
16. Urinary catheter 9.80±0.71 9.31±1.48 0.49±1.54 4.22** 4.82 11 HH
Environmental management 17. Medical waste 9.75±0.69 9.18±1.43 0.56±1.25 6.04** 5.53 7 HH
18. Ventilation 9.81±0.54 9.48±1.00 0.32±0.84 5.17** 3.20 20 HL
19. Drinking water 9.70±0.80 9.15±1.49 0.54±1.25 5.80** 5.32 8 LH
20. Air conditioner 9.51±1.00 8.85±1.63 0.66±1.38 6.42** 6.35 4 LH
21. Cleaning 9.59±0.92 9.15±1.34 0.44±0.97 6.04** 4.26 15 LH
22. Food cart 9.50±1.03 8.78±1.75 0.71±1.44 6.65** 6.84 2 LH
Patient safety 23. Pressure sore 9.92±0.30 9.44±1.11 0.48±1.07 5.96** 4.76 12 HH
24. Fall 9.93±0.27 9.52±0.96 0.40±0.92 5.89** 4.63 13 HL
25. Medicine 9.98±0.42 9.32±1.32 0.56±1.26 5.94** 5.59 6 HH

*P<0.05, **P<0.001.

†Score of Borich=(Importance score–Knowledge)×mean of importance. A high score of Borich indicated a high infection prevention and control education need

‡The items located in the first quadrant in LfFM have high infection prevention educational needs

Abbreviations: LfFM, Locus for Focus Model; HH (Quadrant I), high discrepancy high importance; HL (Quadrant II), high discrepancy low importance; LL (Quadrant III), low discrepancy low importance; LH (Quadrant IV), low discrepancy high importance

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2022;27:59~68 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2022.27.1.59
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev