대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Univariate Logistic regression analysis of risk factors of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) acquisition (N=346)

Characteristics MRSA acquisition (n=17) No MRSA acquisition (n=329) OR 95% CI P
N (%), Mean±SD (median, range)
Female 4 (23.5) 158 (48.0) 1
Male 13 (76.5) 171 (52.0) 3.003 0.959-9.402 .059
Age (months) 15.35±35.51
(5.00, 1.00-134.00)
(5.00, 1.00-170.00)
1.001 0.983-1.019 .940
Body weight (kg) 8.93±119.72
(5.90, 1.84-49.70)
(6.60, 2.15-55.10)
1.018 0.955-1.084 .587
Acyanotic disease 5 (29.4) 126 (38.3) 1
Cyanotic disease 12 (70.6) 203 (61.7) 1.490 0.513-4.329 .464
History of previous hospitalization within a year
No 4 (23.5) 91 (27.7) 1
Yes 13 (76.5) 238 (72.3) 1.232 0.395-3.910 .710
Hisotory of previous admission (n=251)
This hospital 9 (69.2) 199 (83.6) 1
Other hospital 2 (15.4) 14 (5.9) 3.159 0.622-16.044 .165
This & other hospital 2 (15.4) 25 (10.5) 1.769 0.362-8.654 .481
History of previous surgery within a year
No 9 (52.9) 219 (66.6) 1
Yes 8 (47.1) 110 (33.4) 1.770 0.665-4.713 .253
Days between hospital and ICU admission 11.00±308.75
(3.00, 0.00-59.00)
(1.00, 0.00-263.00)
1.002 0.985-1.021 .787
ICU admission route
General ward 14 (82.4) 282 (58.7) 1
Other ICU 3 (17.6) 47 (14.3) 1.286 0.356-4.646 .701
Glycopeptides 7 (41.2) 30 (9.1) 6.977 2.475-19.665 <.001
Aminoglycosides 1 (6.9) 3 (0.9) 6.792 0.669-68.982 .105
Penicillin/beta-lactamase inhibitors 8 (47.1) 45 (13.7) 5.610 2.058-15.294 .001
Other antibiotics 3 (17.6) 11 (3.3) 6.195 1.552-24.729 .010
Steroid use
No 4 (23.5) 224 (68.1) 1
Yes 13 (76.5) 105 (31.9) 6.933 2.208-21.774 .001
Preemptive isolation 9 (52.9) 212 (64.4) 0.621 0.233-1.652 .340
2% CHG bathing 3 (17.6) 92 (28.0) 0.552 0.155-1.966 .359

Abbreviations: CHG, chlorhexidine gluconate; CI, confidence interval; ICU, intensive care unit; OR, odds ratio; SD, standard deviation

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2022;27:35~42 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2022.27.1.35
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev