대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Comparison of the device utilization ratios and the rates of device-associated infections from 2014 through 2019

July 2014-June 2015 July 2015-June 2016 July 2016-June 2017 July 2017-June 2018 July 2018-June 2019
No. of hospitals 96 103 193 216 227
No. of units 169 178 285 308 316
Patient-days 883,138 945,605 1,387,515 1,489,409 1,490,256
Urinary catheter-days 745,767 795,466 1,177,533 1,277,540 1,278,137
Central line-days 457,888 481,302 663,681 739,052 761,513
Ventilator-days 360,053 388,408 480,576 524,821 526,924
No. of infections
Urinary catheter-associated UTI 675 702 1,189 1,476 1,633
Central line-associated BSI 932 1,058 1,481 1,692 1,769
Ventilator-associated PNEU 443 389 480 505 569
Device utilization ratio (DD/PD)
Urinary catheter(95% CI)[range*] 0.840.839-0.8410.69-0.98 0.840.839-0.8410.69-0.98 0.850.849-0.8510.70-0.97 0.860.859-0.8610.70-0.97 0.860.859-0.8610.70-0.97
Central line(95% CI)[range*] 0.520.519-0.5210.30-0.77 0.510.509-0.5110.29-0.77 0.480.479-0.4810.20-0.73 0.500.499-0.5010.18-0.73 0.510.509-0.5110.20-0.76
Ventilator(95% CI)[range*] 0.410.409-0.4110.19-0.63 0.410.409-0.4110.22-0.62 0.350.349-0.3510.10-0.58 0.350.349-0.3510.08-0.59 0.350.349-0.3510.08-0.61
Device-associated infection rate (/1,000 DD)
Urinary catheter-associated UTI95% CIrange* 0.910.84-0.980-2.32 0.880.82-0.950-1.92 1.010.95-1.070-2.34 1.161.10-1.220-3.13 1.281.22-1.340-3.33
Central line-associated BSI95% CIrange* 2.041.91-2.170-3.99 2.202.07-2.330-4.47 2.232.12-2.350-4.38 2.292.18-2.400-5.23 2.322.22-2.430-5.25
Ventilator-associated PNEU95% CIrange* 1.231.12-1.350-3.80 1.000.91-1.110-2.80 1.000.91-1.090-2.87 0.960.88-1.050-3.16 1.080.99-1.170-2.71

* 10th to 90th percentile range.

Abbreviations: ICU, intensive care unit; UTI, urinary tract infection; BSI, bloodstream infection; PNEU, pneumonia; DD, device day; PD, patient day; CI, confidence interval.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2020;25:115~127 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2020.25.2.115
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev