대한의료관련감염관리학회 Korean Society for Healthcare-associated infection Control and Prevention.

pISSN 0705-3797. eISSN 2586-1298.

Summarization of surveillance systems for healthcare-assoicated infection in various countries

Country Per capita GDP (USD) Name Start year Operation Funding Category Annual finance (USD, year) Number of participating institutions(year) Data collection Data validation Annual report Disclosure of data from indivisual institutions Ref.
Rep. of Korea 31,430 KONIS 2006 KOSHIC KCDC Cooperation of Government with private institution 350,000 (2018) ICU-227 SSI-215 (2018) Web × 8,13,14
Unites States 65,110 NHSN 2005* CDC HHS Government operation 21,000,000 (2018) 23,000 (2018) Web 15-19
Canada 46,210 CNISP 1994 IPAC Health Canada Cooperation of Government with private institution 1,600,000 (2017) 65 (2017) ? ? × ? 20,21
Japan 40.850 JANIS 2000 MHLW MHLW Government operation 600,000 (2017) 2,260 (2019) Web ? ? 22,23
Twian 24,830 TNIS 2007 CDC CDC Government operation ? 84 (2016) Web ? ? 24
European Union HAI-Net 19942008 ECDC ECDC Government operation 1,500,000 (2019) ICU-1192, SSI-1639 (2017) Web ? 25-27
United Kingdom 41,030 NINSS SSISS 1996 DHSC DHSC Government operation ? NINSS -178 (2003) SSISS-:201 (2018) Web × 28,29
Germany 46,560 KISS 1996 RKI ? Government operation ? > 1,403 (2013) Web × × 30,31
France 41,760 Repias 2017 Cpias ? Government operation ? Mandatory Web ? ? ? 32,33
The third World - INICC 1998 Private consortium ? Private institutions operation ? 2,000 (2019) Web ? × × 34

* Started in 1970 and changed into current system in 2005.

Started in 1999 and changed into Repias that is operated by Cpias in 2017.

Corresponds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Germany.

Abbreviations: KOSHIC, Korean Society for Healthcare-associated Infection Control and Prevention; KCDC, Korean Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention; KONIS, Korean National Healthcare-associated Infections Surveillance System; NHSN, National Healthcare Safety Network; CDC, Centers for Diseases Control and Preventions; HHS, Department of Health and Human Services; IPAC, Infection Prevention and Control Candada; CNISP, Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program; JANIS, Japan Nosocomial Infection Surveillance; MHLW, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare; TNIS, Tawian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance; HAI-Net, Healthcare-assoicated Infection Surveillance Network; ECDC, European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; NINSS, Nosocomial Infection National Surveillance Service; SSISS, Surgical Site Infection Surveillance Service; DHSC, Department of Helath and Social Care; KISS, Krankenhaus Infecktions Surveillance System; INICC, International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium; RKI, Robert Koch institute; ICU, intensive care unit; SSI, surgical site infection.

Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev 2020;25:21~28 https://doi.org/10.14192/kjicp.2020.25.1.21
© Korean J healthc assoc Infect Control Prev